One Week

Friday 8/8/14 9:18pm
It’s been a week since the first post! This week has kind of crazy - but honestly every week this summer has been! Besides being ridiculously busy with my class [as always] I have been meeting up with a bunch of friends and catching up before I head off to Jordan! Literally, I think I was meeting with people every day or night this week!

Also I went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom last Saturday with some of the international student boys(: I am glad I went because I have wanted to revisit it for so long but now I never want to go to an amusement park again! Seriously, crowds on crowds on crowds + being overcharged for just about everything (especially my gross salad) made me happy to leave relatively early ~7:30pm after just a few rides. We hit up all the rides we wanted (I literally just wanted Superman!) so we were pretty satisfied(:
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I wish I could have ridden twice, but the line was not worth waiting in again!

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My newest boyfriend(;

Me and the boys! I feel lucky to have met them [and so many others!] this summer through my job as an RA. I will definitely be hitting up Beirut this fall to visit!

Also I got to try two awesome restaurants in one day today! I went to Source Mini in Gourmet Ghetto with my fellow veggie friend P. who has been telling me about this place since she found out I was vegan. I got a Dosadilla that came with a cilantro dip and it was seriously the best thing ever. I plan to go back before I leave!! I also hit up East Bay Spice Company - which I have previously only been to for drinks. They serve Indian food - I got the Samosa/Garbanzo bean dish which was pretty delish. I may have enjoyed it more if I hadn’t already hit up Source mini earlier!! Either way, I loved getting to hang out with L. and just catching up on life!

I still can’t believe there is only one week of class and I’m off to Phoenix after just a few more days. I am still trying to mentally prepare while figuring out all the actual preparations that have to go into this!!

Signing off for now!


Now read this

Airport Days

Yesterday/today I started my travels to Jordan! It is 3 connected flights: Phoenix to Chicago to Frankfurt to Amman. I am currently in Frankfurt and have been here for many hours. It will be time to board in about one hour. I cannot wait... Continue →